Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Gallagher (Variety Playhouse August 28) said Donald Trump makes him sound tame in comparison

Gallagher smash

By RODNEY HO/ rho@ajc.com, originally filed Monday, August 24, 2015

Gallagher was on top of the world in the 1980s as the ultimate prop comic, smashing watermelons and other produce with a compelling mix of glee and ire. He had 14 Showtime comedy specials back when that was novel.

But over the years. his star faded. He claimed to be broke in an interview in 2012, though he gave a lot of his money away to his kids. He also had multiple heart attacks that year but survived.

At age 69, he’s still touring and whacking fruit. Currently, he has teamed up with fellow comics Bob Nelson and Artie Fletcher on a multi-city tour, landing at the Variety Playhouse Friday. (Tickets can be had here.)

And rather than have the trio tag team on stage, they riff off each other.

“We’re like the new Marx Brothers,” Gallagher said in a recent phone interview. “We can go in any direction. We’re working in the moment.”

He said Nelson is very physical, like Harpo. He compared himself to Groucho. As for Fletcher? “He’s either Chico or Zeppo,” Gallagher said. “Artie plays my business manager. Bob’s inexplicable. It’s a party.”

(He was in much better spirits than when I interviewed him in 2009 for a Punchline appearance.)

And yes, near the end, he will whip out the legendary wooden mallet he lovingly calls the “Sledg-O-Matic.” “We’ll be smacking in Atlanta!” he said. “I bring people up on stage to do it. I teach them how to do it. We live in an interactive age.”

His confidence in his own comedic skills has not diminished. “Nobody has the gonads to do this,” he said. “I’m old. It doesn’t matter! I’ve been a living legend. I don’t have to prove anything to anybody.”

Bob Nelson, Gallagher and Artie Fletcher. CREDIT: Bob Nelson

Bob Nelson, Gallagher and Artie Fletcher. CREDIT: Bob Nelson

Twice, he said, he’s had heart attacks on stage. He doesn’t mind if he keels over performing. “That’s why I tell people to come to the show,” Gallagher said, half seriously. “I’m alive. Catch me now!”

He admits he has had to cut back on foods he loves like corned beef hash and fried shrimp. “I used to order room service and try all the desserts,” he said. “If I ordered the apple pie and it sucked, I moved on to the chocolate cake. When you’re rich, bring it all!”

Gallagher has been a pot smoker for decades. He’s glad it has become more acceptable but won’t risk carrying any on a plane. So here’s his method to get a free toke: an hour before the show, he’ll watch cars pulling into the parking lot early. If someone parks and doesn’t leave the car immediately, he assumes they may actually be lighting up. So he’ll come up and introduce himself, spark up a conversation and share a smoke in the vehicle.

“I’m a lot more fun stoned,” he said.

In the 1990s, Gallagher allowed his brother Ron to imitate his act as Gallagher Two but became offended when Ron began stealing his identity. He sued him and won but has never forgiven his brother. And even if Ron called now and apologized, Gallagher would not accept it.

“He’s an idiot,” Gallagher said. “I’m not going to talk to him. I have millions of fans, people who love me all around the world. I don’t need family!”

Some journalists who have seen his show in recent years said he is not politically correct, insulting gays, Asians, Mexicans and Arabs, to name a few. He is thrilled to see Donald Trump rise to the top of the G.O.P. presidential polls.

“He’s giving me a lot of cover,” Gallagher said with a laugh. “I used to get in trouble for what I say. He’s worse! He’s terrible. I don’t say anything compared to Donald Trump!’

To him, political correctness is horrible for comics. “They all jump on me,” he said. “They pick on me and let everyone else alone. We have to say outrageous things and push the environment. That’s our job.”

And he’s always thinking up new ideas, including a patented methodology to improve slot machine play. (He cited the patent to me: 7,972,210). “My body’s old but my spirit is hip,” he said.

Gallagher said he lives simply, going hotel to hotel to friend’s homes. As noted earlier, he gave his savings to his kids. His only bills are medical and phone bills. “My daughter pays for those,” he said. “I don’t own a car or a house. Even when I had a house, I lived out of hotels. It doesn’t change my life much.”

As for retirement, he has no idea what that means. “I love this,” he said. “I do a two hour show, then spend an hour before the show in the lobby with my fans. You can’t count this as a job.”

How about a woman in his life? “I can’t have any relationships with a woman. They would hook up with me and fall in love, then I’ll die. I don’t want to be involved. You know there’s nothing sexual about me. I’d rather get stoned and have a good laugh.”

“I’ve had enough sex,” he added. “I’m 69. I quit having sex in 2000!”


Gallagher’s Joke’s On You Comedy Tour with Artie Fletcher and Bob Nelson

8 p.m., Friday

$35 in advance, $40 day of show

Variety Playhouse

1099 Euclid Ave., Atlanta


Here he is on Merv Griffin in 1975.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6G0xA_IdmQ&w=420&h=315]

Here he is in 1984:

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmUtxI2KJh8&w=560&h=315]

And in 2013, Gallagher promoted (what else?) watermelon:

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ot2yvMfbVKc&w=560&h=315]


from lloydcurry1 http://ift.tt/1hFhhMg

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